International: World As We Know It Destroyed

A travesty has devastated the world as we know it. Early this morning, something incredibly absurd happened. The apocalypse finally happened, and it has swept away everything we ever knew to be true. The survivors are struggling to stay alive, and no one is completely sure of what actually happened. It is unclear if humanity can pull through to overcome this disaster. Several shelters have been created to help those who have lost everything, and the President of the United States informs us that he is working on problems in food availability and housing situations. Right now, everyone is advised to stay away from extreme danger areas and help out friends and family. We have currently heard from the King of Saudi Arabia, the President of the United Arab Emirates, and the Queen of England, who are working hard to overcome similar conditions around the rest of the world. The countries around the coast are presumed to be mostly destroyed, as the water levels rose to heights that have never been heard of before now. Tsunamis and volcano explosions are expected to continue on for a few more days. In these difficult times, we are all dependent on each other, and our hope is thinning out.


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